
SMG can be your partner to help you tackle some of the most common – and difficult – problems facing rural healthcare today. Whether you need a cost report double-checked for accuracy, or are looking for comprehensive management of a hospital, SMG can help.

The solutions we offer are grouped into three broad categories: Management Solutions, Revenue Cycle and Behavioral Services. Other solutions we can offer are described in Additional Services.

Management Solutions

SMG began as a hospital management company and learned what it takes to create the right balance of hospitals, extended care facilities and clinics, and what it means to offer services that both meet the community’s needs while remaining financially sound.

Today, SMG offers a wide variety of management solutions, specifically tailored to fit our partners’ needs.  Our services include:


Drew Weissinger
Chief Financial Officer

(662) 756-2626
Drew Weissinger

Revenue Cycle

SMG has learned – through its work at its managed facilities and those of its clients – that good revenue cycle management is a bedrock of successful healthcare management.  While many revenue cycle management companies tend to focus on a claim simply being paid, SMG’s philosophy is that every single step of the cycle is equally important.  Registration staff must be properly trained, providers must be educated on effective charting practices, coders must be well-versed and up to date, and on and on until the cycle is complete.

And while revenue cycle management is so crucial to the very survival of rural healthcare facilities, it is often one of the more difficult problems to address.  Assembling a qualified, well-trained business office staff at a small or rural facility may simply be impossible.  Faced with this dilemma, some administrators cede this job completely to outside companies, whose goal is to receive a cut of the facility’s revenue for as long as possible.

SMG is not one of those companies.  While SMG can completely manage your revenue cycle operations for as long as you’re happy with our performance, we can also be your partner to fill in your missing revenue cycle pieces until your business office is self-sufficient.  And we’ll help make that happen through on-site training, staff recruitment, provider education, installation of policies and procedures, and professional development.

SMG doesn’t measure its revenue cycle partners’ success based on how much revenue it earned.  To SMG, the height of success comes when a partner’s business office staff can stand on its feet, and SMG is no longer needed.

The services we offer include:

  • Comprehensive, on-site revenue cycle management
  • Revenue cycle best practices training
  • Reimbursement analysis and training
  • Provider education
  • Payer mix analysis


Jim Blackwood
Chief Executive Officer

(662) 756-2626
Jim Blackwood

Drew Weissinger
Chief Financial Officer

(662) 756-2626
Drew Weissinger

Behavioral Services

One of the plights of modern rural America is the lack of a behavioral healthcare safety net.  People suffering from psychiatric issues or addiction, particularly those who are indigent, often cycle through ill-equipped hospital emergency rooms, understaffed (or impossibly remote) counseling centers, and jails.

SMG has been a leader in the creation of programs to fill this gap, and now manages behavioral health programs at facilities in three states.  If you are curious as to what behavioral services your facility might offer, and the possible financial impact, SMG can give you guidance and offer solutions.  If you are ready to implement a behavioral service program, SMG can create and manage one for you, from start to finish.

The services SMG offers include:

  • Creation and comprehensive management of Intensive Outpatient Psychotherapy (IOP) programs
  • Creation and comprehensive management of addiction disorder programs
  • Analysis of feasibility and possible financial impact of different behavioral health programs
  • Advice on behavioral health program expenses and reimbursement


Jim Blackwood
Chief Executive Officer

(662) 756-2626
Jim Blackwood